I have selected the 2 photos that i took on my photo shoot and edited them. I have done this as i wanted to see what each looked like after i had edited them and then decide which would be most suitable for my magazine cover.
When i was editing both of these two pictures i tried to consider the conventions of the genre. Therefore i made the colour in the photo's a little more black and white whilst also increasing the brightness a bit as i think this also relates to my masthead 'fresh'. Also, i have cropped the images and intend to do so further so that the focus is entirly on the subject and their emotions. Another thing i did was lighten the background so the subject of the photo stands out much more and so the eye is naturally drawn to them.
I have decided that i'm going to use the second of these two images for my front cover as it fits the mould of a cover photo for both a music and fashion magazine. Furthermore, it has the typical conventions of a magazine cover and i chose the second as i did not like the straight on shot as much. However if it just does not look right with my front cover than i shall choose another to fit my personal magazine.